Copy of article provided by Dave Eckberg
Soldiers hit VC R&R spa
FSB 4-11, (11th Bde. IO) - Viet Cong soldiers here recently lost what apparently was a rest and relaxation center when "Legionnaires" of the 3rd Bn., 1st Infantry destroyed their spa on Hill 241, eight miles north-west of Quang Ngai City.
The 11th Brigade troopers entered the area and burned the structures down, recreation room and all. Some of the residents of the center left Coke can boobytraps filled with petna lying all over the trails. The squad destroyed them in the interest of a clearer community and to preserve the ecology.
The VC soldiers were not appreciative of the "Legionnaires" efforts though, and tried to souvenir them a claymore. However, the squad forced the enemy to withdraw under a heavy volume of fire and the claymore was abandoned.
When the squad returned to the valley below Hill 241, they directed artillery fire from a nearby base on the enemy, leaving little doubt that they had better find another R&R center.